Monday, June 4, 2007

Sometimes I think

He just doesn't understand. He doesn't get it. He has no clue what it's like. Sometimes I just want to smack him. Smack him until he gets it. But it won't help. I know.

I have been sick the last, oh three months or so. Crohn's sick. I have been on and off prednisone. I was beginning to feel extremely psychotic on it, so I begged Dr S for something different. So I have been on Entocort for almost 2wks now. It isn't helping. The cramps are horrendous and well.....I won't even tell you the rest--I will just say "ring of fire" and you can all use your imagination. I have an appt tomorrow at 11 with Dr S. On the phone, he had suggested Remicade. I have taken it before, but it didn't "help" persay. Then when we tried it in 2003, I had a reaction to it. So I am unsure of what drug he is going to suggest.

I just can't keep living like this! It royally SUCKS. And Denny thinks I am just faking it. Well that is what I think he thinks. I have zero energy. I have no desire to do anything other than sit on my fat arse and watch tv. No it's not a depression thing. It's a I-have-Crohn's-and-when-it-flares-it-takes-every-iota-of-strength-and-everything-else-out-of-me thing. I can't help it. I am not happy it's flaring. Does he think I am? Does he think I am GLAD I can't cook supper or do the laundry or keep the house picked up? Well, lol, I admit part of me is. BUT just a teeeny part.

I told him I wished he could walk a day in my shoes. He retorts "same here". Well newflash bucko! I HAVE walked in your shoes! I used to work 2 jobs, heck I even worked 3 at one point! I know what it's like to work crazy hours then come home and have to take care of a kid (at that time, we only had Madison). BTDT! Got the tee shirt!

I would love to see him do everything I do every day AND have to put up with the constant bickering kids AND have to feel like I do. I'll bet he would be singing a different tune!

It just irks me to no end.


Latharia said...

Sorry to hear things have been so rotten, Lora!!

Latharia said...

I just tagged you, Lora -- go check out my blog! :)