Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Seems like there is always

something happening to me ! ha ha

Today at the mall, I had just gotten a refill of pop at Chick-fil-A. The 2 monkeys and I went over to the family restroom so I could change Ty's diaper. Mind you the stroller was loaded down with 3 winter coats, my purse and assorted items in the tray. And my pop. And Ty.

I got him unbuckled and all hell broke loose.

The stroller tipped backwards and BLAM! There goes a huge coke, all over the restroom floor.
My sunglasses and the kids' toys got soaked. Thank goodness my cell phone wasn't in the top tray!

I was more upset that I had lost my caffeine than anything.

Some stupid skinny rich b*tch was in there and just watched as the whole thing happened. No offer to help. Just stared at me. As she walked out I said "Thanks for the stares and all your help." B*tch. ;)

I went out and flagged a custodial worker. He told me he would get a mop.

Here's the funny part. He went and got another worker (mind you, all these workers are foreign. Not trying to discriminate, but they all are. every single one of them. seriously) and that guy started shouting out in some language. The impression I got was that he didn't want to clean up the pop spill of some hooty tooty blonde chic. ie: ME

He did bring in a mop, and did what he needed to.

I explained what happened, apologized profusely and thanked him.

He grumbled something at me, probably something along the lines of "stupid ho b*tch makin me clean her damn mess when I got more standin 'round to do"

what a day.


Dalovely Damanda said...

oh man! that stinks! sorry you had one of "those days." Hope you have a better week! :)

Latharia said...

Man, days like those just make you want to crawl in bed, don't they??!