Friday, February 15, 2008


well here it is Friday already. Seems like it was just last week at this time. why the heck does time fly?????????

Not much going on at the household. Madison is going to her first sleepover tonight. It's her friend Jozie's birthday. Jozie's Mom is Missy, my co-leader for Girl Scouts. Mad is so excited and this has been all she has talked about for a week! It will be nice to be able to get a wee bit more done around here with only 2 kids. Less fighting, that is for sure!

I am having a Pampered Chef party tomorrow afternoon. It sure is a nice way to get the house in order. I cleaned my laundry room earlier. Probably the first time since we have lived here. lol :)

I think we are going to move the monkeys upstairs. They are 7 and 5 and it's high time they had their own rooms. We have 2 huge rooms up here that will be perfect. Currently, one room is my scrapping room. The other is a toy room. Ok in reality both rooms are storage rooms that are trashed. seriously! But anyway, it is so hard to get the girls to sleep at night, and they are constantly fighting about whose junk is whose. This would eliminate it all.

So with some of our tax $$$, we are going to paint the rooms and move them up. My scrapping room and the computer will now be downstairs in their old room. (it's painted pink which is tremendous!)

We do have to fix the leak in the bathroom up here. Would hate for them to have to run down the stairs, go completely around the living room, through the dining room to go pee. (if you know my house, you will understand that!)

Another thing we are going to look into, is getting an estimate on turning the staircase around. Currently, to go upstairs, you have to either a) go through the girls room or b) go through our room. It really blows. Especially at night, if I want to hop online. I have to be extremely quiet and not wake up any kidlets. If we turn it around, you would go upstairs from either the living room or the dining room, whichever it may be.

I am hoping it won't be too much. And if it's too salty, maybe this is something we could do on our own? I really hope so. Between my Dad and Denny, I am sure we could get it done. Even if it takes months and my house is in disarray, I wouldn't care. My bathroom is currently that way. What would the harm be?

I need to go finish cleaning. When I am done, I am going to take pics and put them at One of the ladies there suggested we all give an "open house" tour of our homes. So I am going to show the before and afters, since we have done so much work!

later tators ;)

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