Friday, March 28, 2008


The interview went fine. I was nervous as hell, but all ended up ok. She gave me the application (an inch thick pile of papers!) and I filled it all out, and it's currently waiting to be picked up by UPS. I am *thinking* I GOT THE JOB!

Tyler spent his first night away from his Momma. Monday, I took him and Olivia to meet Mom in Bluffton. He went with her, no troubles at all. Mom layed him down at 8, and he woke up once around 11:15. Slept through till 8am. I couldn't believe it! I woke up Tuesday morning to the alarm, then suddenly realizing my phone hadn't rung all night! I was shocked! He did it!

Mom has been wanting to keep him overnight. We were all a little unsure of how he would do, being the ever present Momma's Boy.

(ok I inserted a pic here of Ty, but for some reason photobucket isn't allowing me to resize! UGH! sorry!)

But he was fine. It was really really REALLY weird only having Maddy here. Tuesday was even weirder. I was ALL ALONE UNTIL 3:50pm. (Maddy was at school) I got quite a bit of cleaning done. And even a little shopping! ;)

I got a new camera! I ordered this one

And I am so stoked to get it! It shipped today. I love my old Easyshare, so I figured why switch brands? I was in dire need of a large zoom and this one is 12x! My current camera has a 3x. I will be in zoom heaven! It also sports 8.1mp, high ISO, HD pictures, optical image stabilization and a whole bunch of other crap that I don't know what it means!

I will sell my old camera on the Cafe group. Hopefully I can get a decent amount out of it. It originally cost $198, but with all the discounts and sales we got, we paid about $129. It is almost 4 or 5 years old (how awful that I can't remember!) 4 I think.

I get to scrap tonight! It's with some of the ladies from Ft Wayne Mom's Unite. We get together at ClaireElaine's church. I like to go to this. The ladies are very friendly and super nice. We all laugh and have a great time. I normally get more done on these nights, than I do when I crop with Michele, Jennie and Christa. We the 4 of us get together, we mainly chat. All night. Sometimes we don't even get our scrapping supplies out!

Well I must jet. Must pack up things and shower. And the mail just came. As all you other SAHM's know, this is a fun time. lol I am such a dork.

Later tators! ;)

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