Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Crazyness I tell ya!

First off, I want to give a shout out to Sasha for the idea of the cutesy signature! I have loved hers since I began reading her blog. Now I have one of my own! Mine does look a lot like hers, but hey! She has good taste in color and font! Thanks Sasha!

Saturday evening, I headed over to Michele's for our monthly scrapbooking night. I was very excited for this! This SAHM gig can really be the pits sometimes. It was going to just be Michele and I, but Christa ended up being able to come! I was even more excited! Time for just me and the girls. Except for Jennie. WE MISSED YOU JEN! Anyway, we had fun. I didn't get home until 4am. We laughed. Danced. Ate. Talked. Devulged our deepest secrets. Husband bashed. It was the best night I have had in a loooong time.

I was up bright and early on Sunday around 8:30. We had company coming at 11:30! Linda, Mike, Christa, Tim and Devon were coming over to go to the lake. I have lots of pictures, but I will put them in the next post. (I can't configure out how to post pics where I want them. Crazy blogger!) We had a great time! Denny, Tim, Christa, Olivia, Devon and even me went tubing! It was so much fun! Even just riding around in the boat was great. The kids had fun at the beach. I don't know why we haven't done this before. Here is where we went. 10 mins from our house, and this is like the second time we have gone. For real.

[oh back up a few days] Last Wednesday (Aug 13th) was the girls' first day of school! Madison is now in 2nd grade, and Olivia is now in Kindergarten. Fortunate for Momma's sanity, Livy goes all day every day. It's amazing how much better I feel only having one child to tend to. And when he naps? 2 hours of uninterupted bliss. Oh joy. Oh fun. I love you Lincoln Elementary for having all day every day kindy! GOD BLESS YOU! I will post the first day pics in the next post, along with the day at the lake pics.

Facebook. Yes I joined. I really like it! I now am up to 31 friends! WOOHOO! It's really cool finding people I went to HS with. I like to see what they are doing. Michele and I were discussing this today. We can't believe that most of the people we are finding, aren't married yet. Or they just recently got married. Heck I have been married 10 years. Michele 11! We are both done having kids and those people haven't even begun! Really crazy! Although, most of them have really good jobs, thanks to college. I am a loser who didn't do the college thing. Ok, I did. But I went one year, met Denny at the end of that year, and never went back. It wasn't for me. NOW I want to go.

So dear readers, if you are on Facebook and you want to be my friend, please LET ME KNOW! lol I would love to have more friends. It would be nice to "see" who the readers are.

I leave you with my new siggy, (thanks again Sasha!)

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