Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I can sure feel the love!

I mean, seriously people! ONE FREAKIN person posted a comment? Guess my blog doesn't get much traffic. OH well.

Michele, yes you did post one hour after the deadline, but because you are my best friend and I lurve you, you are entered! And you know me so well, that you know you may very well GET that $5!

I worked yesterday for 1 hour on the living room. It's looking so much better. So much that Denny actually SAID something about it!

I need to change my timeline a bit. I said that since I started at 11am on Tuesday, that I had to have it done by 11am on Thursday, being that I have 3 days to do the task. What it should of said, was I have until 8pm on the 3rd day to finish the task. So I now have 7 hours left to clean the living room, top to bottom. And it must be finished by 8pm tomorrow night, or Michele gets $5.

Remember all it takes is one comment to win! Comments must be posted the same day I post the task!


Shel said...

I have faith you can do it!!

Latharia said...

I have faith you can do it, too! Although I'm sure shel would spend the $5 well! :D

Bri said...

I read the pre-task post but didnt get back here for the actual task post... my hubby just got home, so that's my excuse.