Thursday, July 10, 2008

Since I can never accomplish anything

I have devised a contest of sorts. Maybe this will actually hold me accountable for once!

What I want to do, is make a plan for the day. I must complete said plan within 8 hours. The 8 hours does not have to be on one day, but must be completed within 3 days. Make sense? So if I start the plan on Monday, I can finish it on Monday. Or keep a few hours to spread over the next two days. So then the plan must be finished on Wednesday, and only taking as long as there are hours left. Clear as mud?

I will be Honest Abe throughout this entire process. Once I post I am starting, I honestly will only allow myself 8 hours to complete said task. I am going to take before and after pictures of each task I start.

The contest? Well for every task I do not complete within 8 hours, some lucky reader will win $5. I know what you are thinking. 5 frickin dollars? Hey I am not Donald Trump! I am a sahm with one income! But this will entice me to GET MY LAZY AZZ OFF THE DAMN COMPUTER AND DO SOME FRICKIN WORK AROUND HERE.

If I do complete the task within the time frame, the $5 goes into a scrapbooking/clothes/shoes/purse fund for me. I will get to buy myself something nice with it. (I am aiming for a Cricut!)

So, once this starts, I will post the task I am attempting. I will take a before picture of the task. Yes, I am risking embarrassment and the threat of CPS being called. But I NEED this. I NEED to be motivated. I live in a house of clutter. But not for much longer!

In order to have a chance at the cash, you must post a comment once the task is posted. If the task is not completed, I will place everyone's name in a hat and my kids will draw one out. That lucky person will be sent the $5. You must post a comment the day I start the task. If I start it on Thursday and you post on Friday, you are ineligible.

A couple of addendum's: My life is in a constant state of turmoil, or so it seems. I will be stopping the time in order to fix lunch/supper/snacks/mend boo-boos/round up the heathens. If I know we will be gone a certain day (like we were yesterday, gone from 8am till 7pm) I will be granted an extra day. There are exceptions for trauma and unforeseen outings. With 3 kids, this is an every day occurrence.

All in all, I will be honest of keeping the time frame. I told myself when I started painting the girls' rooms, I would have my house organized and the way I wanted it by the end of summer. Well it's July 10th and I am no where NEAR that goal. I am hoping this will help. I really don't wanna lose the cash and I really want a CRICUT!

So keep stopping by, and if you see me post a task POST A COMMENT. Hey you could win $5 and buy yourself a gallon of gas.

The Story of Me is still coming, it's just getting late and I really need to hit the hay.

Later tators. :)

1 comment:

Latharia said...

That's an awesome idea, Lora!!!!