Friday, June 1, 2007

He fought the stairs......

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And the stairs won! LOL! We were at my parent's house on Monday to pick up the girls. We were all outside, and T decided he would try and run down the steps. LOL So there is what his poor face looks like. The first pic is shortly after the incident. The second is a couple of days later. Looks much much worse!

We have been sooooooo busy the last two weeks! Last week was dance recital week. Both the girls did EXCELLENT! I was backstage on Thursday and Friday. I watched it Saturday with the rest of the family--Grandma's, Grandpa, GG, C, D and T. This pic is after the show on Saturday, when they got their flowers.
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O is taking tap again next year, and M is undecided. She flops between jazz and ballet. Sometimes even tap. We shall see!

I took this on Monday of my Dad and T. It amazes me how much they look alike. If T's paci was out, you could really tell. T even has curls on the back of his head like my Dad did when he was little! scary!
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I cannot believe another month has gone by! Where has the time gone? Before we know it, it will Christmas. Unbelievable!

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