Thursday, May 24, 2007


I can't believe I haven't been on here since the 6th! I have been super duper busy and keep forgetting!

Things have been awful crazy, especially this week. It's dance recital week. Which means Monday practice, Tuesday dress rehearsal, Wed OFF!, Thursday Friday Saturday=recital nights. Oh it's awful and tg, it's only once a year.

This is O's first one! I am so nervous for her, and seriously hope she dances great. I get to watch it from backstage, as I am a helper tonight. Also tomorrow night, but with M's class. Saturday, I get to be in the audience with all the family.

I have a ton of pics to post...someday, lol!

TOO FUNNY! T was "in" his toybox earlier. O said "T you aren't a toy, get out!" then proceeded to lift him out. omg it was the funniest thing.

I broke down and let D turn the ac on last night. It was 85* in here and it was plum H O T! I was trying to hold out until June 1st. Well I didn't it miss it by much.

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