Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

Wow! It's 2008 already! Life at the household has been busy. The monkeys don't start school again till next week. Unbelievable!

We had a good Christmas. Mom, Dad, Jon, Becky and Michael came here on Christmas Day. It was nice, but kinda weird, as we have ALWAYS had Christmas at Mom and Dad's. I liked not having to travel, but ya know.

We were supposed to get together with Linda and Mike on the 23rd, but Mike had a heart attack Sat evening. He is now doing great. They put a stent in, and he is now living a healthier lifestyle I am sure. Linda called us on Saturday (the 29th) and wanted to get together on the 30th. We were (literally) on our way to take the girls to Mom's. So I am unsure if we are going to try and get with them.

The 29th, we were supposed to have Christmas with GG. But Jeanne calls me Friday and says none of them were coming, they were all sick. Linda wasn't coming, because of Mike. So I called Christa and told her if she didn't want to come, she didn't have to.

New Year's Eve was going to be at Chris and Michele's. Michele calls me at 12:30p and says she, Veronica and Christa are all sick. So THAT got cancelled too.

I guess it was the Christmas Season of cancellations! lol

I was really looking forward to NYE. I miss my friends terribly and can't wait to get together on the 12th for scrapbooking.

Denny, Tyler and I spent NYE by eating Burger King (D&T) and Taco Bell (me). We rented 2 movies "I Pronounce You Chuck & Larry" and "1408". I liked them both. INPYC&L is an Adam Sandler one. I love AS. He cracks me up. I often think Denny kinda looks like him. Maybe thats why I have such a love affair with him? 1408 is based on a Stephen King novel. I love SK too. But the movie was a bit of a let down. Good, no doubt. But not as scary as his movies normally are. And if you know me at all, I love a good scare. The scarier the better!

As always, when it's new years, I make some resolutions. So here is the list for 2008:

-make a healthy lifestyle. My NYRezzi's always include lose weight. Last year I changed it to "be healthy". With Mike's heart attack looming in my head, I just have to do this. It's a lifestyle change, and as a Biggest Loser fan, I KNOW I can do it!

-yell less, play more. I yell so much, my monkeys ignore me. I did better last year and I intend on doing even better this year. I want to play with my kids more.

-be a better wife and mom. This too is a normal NYRezzi. I did good with this last year.

-spend more time for "ME". last year I told myself to scrap at least once a day. Even if it included organzing and purging, just mess with your scrap stuff! This year, I decided to change it to not only reflect scrapping, but just time for me. With the craziness of being a SAHM, I tend to forget myself. Whether I scrap, goof off on the net, read or bake, I just need to spend more quality time with myself.

-try and really keep the house OR-GAN-IZED!!! I am the ultimate wanna be queen of organization! I love the look of an organized house, but somehow can't achieve it.

-take more pictures. I can't believe how many LESS I took in 2007. what is the matter with me? My friends can normally count on me for taking a zillion photos. I barely took any pics, other than one for occasions! Eeeks!

So readers, I am challenging YOU to keep me in line with keeping my NYRezzi's!

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