Thursday, February 7, 2008

I don't wanna be


I really don't.

I am getting so old.

And it sucks.

Big time.

If you couldn't tell, yes, today is my birthday. I am 32. eeks. It's hard to even say it. Hasn't been a bad day, but not extraordinary good either. Mom called this morning and sang to me. She was going to have her students sing to me, but school for her was cancelled. THANKS MOM!

Denny and the monkeys gave me cards. And Denny said he is buying my gift tomorrow. He found it, but didn't have the $$$ to get it. I am kinda worried. lol I know I shouldn't be, but when a husband says to his wife that he found a gift that he is "sure I will like" it raises a red flag. Not to mention the tone of uncertain-ity in his voice. THANKS FOR THE CARDS BABE!

We shall see.

Christa just texted me the Happy Birthday song. THANK YOU!. I texted her on Monday, as she turned 30. When I see her Saturday, she is gonna hate me. I am going to Dollar Tree and picking up all kinds of stuff for her: reading glasses, ben-gay, ice packs, tylenol, maxi pads, etc Ya know, the things you need when you turn 30. hahahahaha She might just kick me for this one.

Jennie called me on Monday to wish me a HBD. I was like, huh? But she said if she didn't do it then, when she remembered, she would forget by Thursday. I completely understand hon. I think I forgot your bday last year. What a good friend I am! THANK YOU JENNIE!

well I am off to do what most 30yr old's love to do.....

my taxes.

later tators :)


kaj said...

Happy Birthday, Lora!
Hope you have a good one. You are so young at 32. Keep plugging along.

Chiara said...

okay honestly it is just a number embrace it. I am 36 and have loved my 30s better than any other age so far. Happy Birthday.

scrapperjen said...

Happy belated b-day! You're not old! :) Hope you had a good day!

Birdie said...

As probably the oldest (age-wise) friend you have I will tell you that the alternative to not having another birthday really sucks. Also, if my life is a future indicator for you I will tell you that yes, the 30's sucked big time for me, however the 40's were great and at 52 (wow 20 years older than you) my 50's are more awesome than I ever could have imagined. So suck it up you little youngster, go have another piece of birthday cake and get out there and start enjoying LIFE!