Monday, February 25, 2008

I really think

God decided to give me the world's hardest puzzle. He thought he would bestow this great gift upon me, and laugh when I couldn't figure it out.

This puzzle gives me fits. It makes me want to scream. Makes me want to pull my hair out, going strand by strand.

I am so at a loss now. I have no clue what to do.

This puzzle is called Olivia.


Don't let her sweet face fool you.

She is the world's best button pusher. She will nag and complain and whine till the cows come home. Then start again.

I am an avid Super Nanny watcher. I implement her tricks.

Do we always give a warning, then if the child still doesn't listen, they go to the corner? yup.
Do we always get down on her level? yup
Make eye contact? yup
Talk calmly, but firmly? yup
Does said child sit for 5 minutes? yup
Does one tell child that the behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated? yup
Does one tell child that the next time one expects her to listen? yup
Does one tell child to apologize? yup
Does child? yup
Are we always consistent? YUP

I don't see where we are going wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!

After the big blowup at JCPenney's, I did take her to the drs. I could swear she is bi-polar. Seriously. The dr seems to think it was an isolated incident, that she is the button pusher, and will always try my patience. Just be consistent.

Well he can take his "isolated incident" and shove it down someone else's throat.

Olivia's friend Ryan had a bowling birthday party yesterday. I dropped her and Maddy (Ryan's older sister and Mad are friends) off and came home. Two hours later, I went to pick them up. I found them at the video games, and Liv sees me, takes off running, screaming "I AM NOT GOING TO LEAVE!!!!"

Madison quietly grabs her coat and shoes. ahh the blessed good child.

I have to chase (literally) Liv down. Once I get her, I tell her it's time to go--get your shoes on. She screams at me, telling me it's NOT time to leave, she is NOT leaving, she hates me, etc etc etc. I get down, looking her in the eyes, and tell her that YES it's time to leave, YES you will be leaving and that I LOVE her. She is pulling away, kicking and screaming. I calmly tell her she needs to calm down so we can talk, or we will talk in the bathroom.

That throws her even farther over the edge! Blood curdling screams erupt. Fists and feet fly at me. In one quick motion, I swoop her up and into the bathroom we go.

In the corner, I begin telling her the same things. In addition, telling her that I know it's not fun to leave a fun place, that we have bowling coupons that we need to use and maybe we can come back next weekend, etc etc.

She is still fighting me, screaming she needs to go potty. I tell her if I let her go potty, she has to go out after and put on her shoes. She agrees, crying the entire time.

We get her shoes on, I have her sit and go in search of the parents to say thanks.

We begin walking out (more like me dragging her) when she remembers she had cake to eat. I tell her, we are almost out, and there is no way you are going back in. (hindsight tells me I probably should of let her go, as this just made her more mad--BUT had I, would it of defeated the purpose of 'you are in trouble and aren't getting rewards'?--who knows)

She purposefully falls down and a her drink spills on her. I am at my wits end. I pick her up, tell her she needs to walk or I will literally drag her out. She walks out. Screaming that she hates me, and doesn't need a Mom, wants to live with Grandma, Daddy should of picked her up... blah blah blah.

I take her home and make her sit. She sat from 3:15 until bedtime at 8:30. I was so furious with her, I didn't want to have to deal with it. Or at least until I calmed down.

So I wonder, was God laughing at me while I was so embarrassed by my button-pushing 5 yr old?

As for the whole bi-polar part, she is the perfect child today. Not one bit of trouble. Doing everything I ask. This is the same way she was back in Dec after the JCP incident.

One time thing? yah right.

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