Tuesday, April 8, 2008

It's April 8th

And I have been super busy! First, I got my hair cut last Tuesday! I went from this

to this

I can't believe how short it is! I love it! Here is a side view

She cut it kinda stacked in the back, and it slightly angles down towards the front. I didn't want it to look too Victoria Beckham. And the color, well that gets done Saturday. They couldn't get me an appt for both until the 29th! EEKS! So we split it up. I think I am going with a honey light blonde with chocolate. Tonya, my stylist, recommended chocolate. Where and exactly what will be choc, I have no clue. But I totally trust her. In these pics, my hair looks really light. IRL it's an awful dishwater blonde. It hasn't been colored since november 2006. I can't believe I just typed that.

In other news, I have been super busy painting! We are finally painting upstairs. The girls are each getting their own room! My new scraproom will be smaller, and downstairs. We have 3 bedrooms down, 2 up. The girls share a room now. My current scraproom is now Liv's bedroom and the toyroom is now Maddy's. (are you following this?)
Mad's room looks amazing. I did a really good job. No, I did a FANTASTIC job! :) I did it all myself, Denny only helped with the chalk lines. I still need to paint her trim. Then I can start on Liv's room. Hers will be easier. 2 colors and BAM! It will be done.

Here is Maddy's room after the chalk lines and tape

and the finished product:

Here is here other painted wall and ceiling (with blue tape up as I still need to do trim)

I am just so excited that this is actually happening! We have been talking about moving them upstairs for quite some time. I figured it would be just one of those things we talked about and never did! I did have to take it upon myself to start and finish it. Denny works waaaay to much to have to wait for him. He is glad I am doing it, because he hates to paint. I love it! When we bought this house, I was 8mons pg with Tyler. I still helped paint the living room, dining room, girls room, our room, Ty's room and kitchen.

This project has gotten me in such a mood! A good mood. Like a really good remodeling mood. So much that once the girls' rooms are done, and my scrapbook room is done (it's currently pink and it's obviously going to STAY pink, lol) I am going to re-paint our living room Latte (from Sherwin Williams). It's a really nice brown that I think will go great with our furniture. We have 3 different colors of green, and our walls do not match the furniture AT ALL! It's time for a change. I saw a really cool color Martini Olive (have no clue what company it's from) online and I would loooove to have it for my dining room. But, I highly doubt it would make our rooms flow. But it's such a fabu color!

The ladies on the bargain board at BBC have this amazing thread going. And that is where I have gotten all my ideas! Like, the girls each have a white 4 drawer dresser. Liv's will remain white, except 2 drawers will be in the darker blue and the other 2 will be in her lighter blue. I got this idea off of that thread. Maddy's will be in all 3 colors that are in her room. Liv's ceiling fan will be yellow. She really wanted a sun in her ocean themed room. So we thought we would just make this huge one around the fan. I decided instead of having to draw a circle, make it look right, etc etc, why not just paint the fan? (thank you BBC for the idea!)

Well, I must go rest. Despite all my yearnings to go paint trim, I am sick. Liv and Ty have been sick since Sat. Ty has a had a 101+ fever since Sat at noon. I took him to the drs yesterday, and he does have an ear infection. The dr was unsure why the fever was so high, for so long. He did get up today and felt warm--not the fiery hot he had been. He sure acted a lot better. Although he did want to nap early. Liv was better yesterday, but I did keep her home from school. She had a fever Sunday evening, which meant she would have to stay home. Today she is fine. And of course, they gave it to Mommy. Mommy who has no immune system to keep things away. I did take some OTC meds, and they did make me feel good enough to tromp up here and check emails. Maddy has dance tonight, so I need to go sit and veg for a few hours.

Later tators! :)


Latharia said...

LOVE the new you!!!!

Linda said...

awesome! that's the style that I love and I really need a cut soon, too. Mine is shoulder-length now but I want to really chop it for spring/summer

Chiara said...

great hair and wow on the painting