Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Wednesday...Hump day

I am feeling a bit better today, which is good. I managed to do the dishes and a few loads of laundry. Ty's fever spiked back up to 102.2. I gave him some Ibuprofen and layed him down for a nap. Hopefully it's just the last of that darn virus making it's way out.

I GOT MY NEW CAMERA TODAY! Finally! Actually it hasn't been that long. It was supposed to ship on March 28th, but due to overwhelming demand, it didn't ship until Monday. It.Is. Awesome. Plain and simple. The zoom is phenominal. The lcd screen is gigantic compared to my old one! I love all the features. I wanted to stay with Kodak, as I love my old EasyShare. I don't really have time to learn all the new gadgets on another brand. This does have some features that I will have to play with. But for the most part, I already know how to run it. I even snapped a few pics and does it take sharp close up pics! It has an 8.1mp and 12x zoom.

I am off to try and paint some trim in Maddy's room. I will snap some pics with my new toy! LOL!

later tators! :)

1 comment:

scrapperjen said...

Hope Ty's feeling better soon! I hate having sick kiddos.
Oooo - new camera! :) Have fun with it - show us what you can do with it. PLEASE!!!
Have a great rest of the week!