Monday, April 21, 2008

April 21st

I can't believe it's almost May! Things have been crazy around here! I have been dealing with sick kids, being sick myself, painting, cleaning, Girl Scouts, dance, soccer and softball practice.....then on top of all that, I need to start training for my Smart Source job!

Yuppers, I got the job! The only bad thing is, she wants to train during the day. Which, I specifically told her during the interview I couldn't. I just got off the phone with her and she sounded a bit harsh. I really really really want this job. I understand that I need to train, and the fact that she doesn't want to work her evenings training me. But what am I to do? I have young kids, no one around to baby sit. Am I to leave my 5yr old in charge of my 2 yr old? I DON'T THINK SO!

I know that is not what she means. But she did ask why I don't have a sitter. We have lived here for just over 4yrs. I am just NOW starting to get to know other Moms.

It's a really frustrating situation. I *really* hope Denny can accomodate her training schedule. She wants to train tomorrow night from 5-7 and Wednesday from 5-7. Then next Tuesday from 4-6:30 and the same next Wednesday.

I wonder if this more trouble than it's worth.

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