Sunday, April 27, 2008


Don't you wish just sometimes, that people would just shut up? I mean seriously. And for that matter, don't you wish you could see into your computer and wonder if they are being snarky or being nice?

It's really hard to read "tone" on the computer. Sometimes I wonder if I just take things to seriously. I know I know, you are all thinking GET A LIFE--IF YOU WONDER IF THE INTERNET PEOPLE ARE SNARKY OR NOT THEN YOU MUST HAVE NO LIFE!

Just some stupid things I ponder.

You think you know people, then BAM! You find out you don't.

Sorry I know this is really confuzzling, but I don't care to get into details.


I got a bike today! I have been wanting to get one for awhile. We got a bike trailer last spring. And I just used Denny's bike. I saw one for sale at Kmart. Denny was like just go buy it! I went to Walmart to get more paint for Liv's room and I checked there. And I found one I really liked! So I bought it! Cheaper than Kmart's too! I even got a really neat Memory Foam seat cover. When I ride Denny's bike, my arse hurts sooooooooo bad afterwards. Even with all the padding I have, it STILL hurts. So I decided to get something a wee bit comfy. I will try it out here in a bit. Ty is napping and when he gets up, we will head out.

I think we are going to cancel our Y membership. We only got it for the pre-school discount. And yes, I would love to use the gym part. But with Ty not wanting to stay at child watch, and me being to lazy to get up at 6am to go workout, there is no need to have it. Preschool is officially paid off, so we don't even need to wait for that. And I have a bike now, so I can exercise on that. I only used the treadmill and the bikes there anyway. It's spring and we can get out every day. Ty LOVES to ride in the trailer. And the girls love to ride too. Mom is normally the one who poops out first anymore!

I really really need to use my bike every day. I am waaaaaaay outta shape. I would love to drop a few pants sizes by the end of summer.

Ok, I am off, as I hear Ty waking up!

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