Friday, May 2, 2008


Finally! Things have been rather chaotic here.

I got up early yesterday. Early as in 3:30am! Actually Tyler woke me at that time, but I did have the alarm set at 3:55. It was Vera Bradley Day!

Michele and I went to the sneak peak sale at 5. I loved it! I got what I was looking for. Man, was it hard holding on to that $$$ before hand! I had saved and waited for this sale!

I am really considering going up tomorrow after Livy's soccer game too. I didn't get a purse in Java Blue, so I really want one.

I am still having issues with the problem I posted a few days ago. If I say something, I think quite a few people will be upset. But if I don't, can I really let it go? It's not just a simple thing.
Oh so confusing!

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