Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wednesday--Hump Day

And the weather is icky! Yesterday it was all about the sun. Today is cloudy and raining on and off. I have to work tonight. Probably go and do my 2 stores about 10:30pm. Thats the great thing about this job! I can do it on my own time! So far, it's been fun. Melinda (my boss) stopped by today with a whole lotta junk for me. Bad thing is, my office/scraproom is not yet together. It's a lot more work getting everything moved up and down. More than I thought it would be. Anyway, I had to move out everything from the girls' old closet, so I can store all my work things there. Not fun, I tell you!

Friday it mine and Denny's 10th Wedding Anniversary! I seriously can't believe we have been married that long! We dated for 3 years before we got married too. Are we doing anything to celebrate this wonderful date?

NOPE. Well at least not yet. I wanted to go away for the weekend, as our stimulus check will deposited on Friday. But we have a soccer game, softball game and Maddy's art is featured at Arts Express on Saturday. I really don't want to miss any of those! So I figured we would get a sitter for Saturday night, and go out.

NOPE. Linda called and wants us to come to her vacation home (lol--inside joke) and help clean it out. She finally has someone interested in buying her house. And it really needs to be gone through. When married....ahem.....(actually before then, she moved in with Mike way before)....She only took the basics. If you walked into her house now, you would seriously think someone still lives there! And she hasn't since last year sometime! It is time to get it all gone through. I completely agree. It's just every year it seems there is SOMETHING going on around our anniversary. I just figured with it being 10yrs, that Denny might want to do something special.

NOPE. He was like, well what are we going to do? I know, I know, men are stupid and have no idea what their wives really want for an anniversay gift. So I told him that what I bought at Vera Bradley was enough. I bought a few extra things as gifts to myself. And hey, I am a working woman again! I can afford to splurge! LOL j/k

Look at my family!

Mrs. Moore, Maddy's teacher, took that pic last week at First Grade Showcase. Don't mind Denny loking like he is stoned, and Maddy's bangs are awful. We are growing them out and it's such a PITA. Ty was not happy at all. But we finally have a family pic. I am ALWAYS behind the camera, and Mrs. Moore said that is the exact reason she took it for us! HOW SWEET!

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