Friday, June 13, 2008

I know 2 posts in one day

But FTR, I had the other one typed up yesterday, and just added the bottom on today.

I wanted to post this before I forgot. Tyler has been working on potty training. I figured since the girls are gone this week (mostly) that we would start. We went Wednesday and got him some pull ups. He peed as soon as we got home! Then last night before getting into the tub, he did it again! He keeps flipping back and forth between wanting to use the potty and not. It's so hard to train him, when he does that.

But I am happy he is trying. I only hope it STICKS with him. The girls started doing this around 2 1/2 too, but then held off for another YEAR before actually training. Although, when they did finally do it consistently, we never had to worry about night time. I can count on one hand how many accidents they both had after officially training. Maybe waiting till they are older helps?

I really dont' want to wait another year for Tyler. I have been diapering almost 8yrs straight. Madison born 9/00, still in diapers when Liv arrives in 12/02, Maddy trains (finally!) 2/04, Liv still in diapers when Ty is born 1/06, and then trains in 3/06. And that brings us to Tyler. Still in diapers 6/08.

Will it ever end?

1 comment:

Bri said...

Im right there with you on the diapering. By the time Sara is trained Im sure Ill be close to 9yrs of diapering.