Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday Monday

Man it sure feels that way!

I stayed up too late Saturday night at Michele's. She had her monthly crop. I did not get a single LO done. Really. I did start Mom's Mother's Day gift. Just need to add pics. It was only me, Jennie and Michele so that is probably the reason nothing got done. Jennie also had her Pure Romance stuff there. I ended up buying some rum flavored lube/lotion stuff. omg it tastes delicious!
I got home around 3am, and then proceeded to read till about 4. Set the alarm for 8, as we had to go to Mom's for lunch. I think Denny's Father's Day sucked. Oh well, lol. Compares to mine! We went to Ponderosa for lunch with Mom and Dad, Grandma and Hershel, Jon and Becky and Stacy. Then we went out to Mom and Dads. Stayed there for awhile and came home. I had to work, so I went and did a few stores. Got back at midnight. So much for his day, lol.
I came across this website and wow, I just can't stop reading. WARNING *may cause you to stop what you are doing and grab a box of kleenex and not stop reading till you know the entire story*
I was very overwhelmed with emotion when I first saw this. I now read it daily, and pretty much cry daily. I also felt very compelled to do something for Matt and Madeline. I emailed him about possibly doing a scrapbook for Madeline. He emailed me back, giving me the green light. I am now awaiting him to gather some photos. He takes such wonderful pictures, and they need a way to be showcased.
Today the girls were out on the porch, "We are cleaning it for you Mom!" said Maddy. Umm ok. Anyway, Tyler and I were sitting on the chair by the window watching them. I asked them what exactly they were doing (because it didn't look like cleaning) Madison says "We are playing Queen. Liv is the Queen and I am the Jack." LOL I laughed so hard I about peed my pants. I asked her what the Jack did. "The Jack takes care of the Queen, giving her anything she wants." I think I need a Jack!

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