Monday, June 23, 2008

It's Monday again!

And I haven't posted for a week. You all will probably slap me if I say "we were so busy!" (as I tend to say that a lot) Which is the TRUTH! Seriously!

I can't even remember what I did all last week, I just know it's gone now and I feel like I have forgotten it all.

This last weekend was Heritage Days. The girls were pretty upset that we wouldn't let them ride rides. For pete's sake, it was $20 for an armband (ya know, the bands that let you ride rides over and over) It only costs $24 to get into Kings Island! For our 3 monkeys to ride rides, it would of been $60. Um, NOPE! Especially when there were only 6 possibly 7 rides they could ride. And probably only 4 Tyler could. Just wasn't in our budget.
We did walk up there on Friday night, for the car show. The girls had tons of fun looking at everything, commenting that Grandpa would really like this one, or that one and so on. I snuck off to Korner Kupboard, to the Vintage Vera Bradley night. If you brought in a Vera piece 5 yrs or older, you got a free gift! And were elegible to win a tote in one of the 4 new colors. Grand prize was a super tote in Pinwheel Pink. The drawing is today and I haven't heard anything. Maybe they haven't drawn yet? It would be really cool if I won! The free gift was a mini jewelry box. I choose mine in Peacock. It's really cute. It's regular price is $20! Not to shabby for just bringing in my old Blue Coin purse!

Saturday, was very busy. We got up and went to the parade about 10am. The kids got really antsy waiting for it to come. (we sat towards the end of the route). It was really cute to watch the girls sit there (un)patiently, bags in hand, waiting for candy. I remember doing that during Bryant Days. The kids did make out like bandits with candy. Most will go to Mom for her class at school. One of the best parts of the parade is the free ice cream! We have a Good Humor/Breyer's factory in town, and they walk through the streets handing out ice cream. This year it was vanilla ice cream with fruit bars and some sort of sherbert swirly sticks. They were yummy!
We came home quickly and had Maddy change. Her dance class was selected to dance uptown, for the "entertainment on the mall". There were 18 dances, and hers was #4. Which was good. Right after she was done, we started walking towards home, all the while looking at the vendors. We stopped to talk to Missy and Tim, and let the kids get their faces painted. When the dark clouds that were looming, decided to open up. The wind picked up, loud thunder began and we could see lightening not to far off. Denny began heading home with Tyler when it started to rain. And rain hard. We ran under the Party Shop's awning. I took the girls inside and got them a snack. We waited about 5 minutes and then it stopped. So we headed home.
Maddy had a softball game at 3:30. Mom and Dad came over. After her game, Denny and Liv went to a graduation party, Dad started working on the bathroom, and Mom and I went to Kmart and Walmart. We came back, had supper and they left. It was already 10pm.

I wanted to go back uptown to check out the rest of the vendors. I planned on going up around noon yesterday. Denny decided we would all go! Which was great, because when we got up there, there were kids games! The kids were so excited! They had a Plinko game, bean bag toss, bubbles to play with, rubber ducky game, hockey game and even a cake walk! Madison won a cake! (which is VERY good!) All three had a ton of fun. We walked up past the vendors, and I didn't buy anything! Ok, I take that back. I bought a ginormous sugar-n-cinnamon cookie from a church bake sale. omg it was delish! And it was only $.50!

1 comment:

scrapperjen said...

Whew! You were busy! I hope things slow down some for you.
Hope summer is going well.