Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wow, it's June already!

May certainly flew by. I can sum up May in one word---B U S Y!!!

We had our anniversary (May 9th was 10 yrs--didn't do anything special, just went out to Wings Etc with the monkeys) Devon's birthday (Happy Birthday Devon, party postponed until June) Linda's birthday (Happy Birthday Linda, sorry we forgot!) Mother's Day (went to see Linda on Saturday and was with my Mom on Sunday) end of school for both girls, end of dance and recital, zoo trip, Tyler got into my medicine AGAIN!, Tyler peed in the potty for the first time, end of Girl Scouts, my first ad change at work, the attempted break in, getting a dog, soccer and softball games galore.....and so much more that I can't even think of!

Our Anniversary--yes we got married 10yrs ago. Almost to the day of when we met. I really wanted to do something fun with just the two of us, but with all that was going on, we didn't. And we had to go to Linda's on Saturday to help clean out the vacation home. (see previous entry) But DH did good. He got me a really nice card and gave me $100. I was like WOW! He told me to spend it anyway I choose. So far, I have bought a couple shirts, new jeans and a pair of comfy pants. I still need to get my pedicure. And more songs for my Ipod.

Devon's Birthday--Christa normally has his party during the summer, which works out well for us, as May is so busy. She is having a pool party later this month. I cannot wait. I don't care how fat I look in a suit! I want to swim!

Linda's Birthday--comes right around Mother's Day. We (or maybe just I) forgot to tell her HBD. I am sorry Linda!

Mother's Day--well if I could have what I want, I would like breakfast in bed, Denny to have to deal with the kids all day no questions asked, and be able to be with my family all day, no running around. But I don't get what I want! lol I do want to be with my Mom, but I also want to have my own Mother's Day. Seems I never get it. I did get 2 nice cards and Denny promised me I would get flowers for planting. He always takes the kids and gets a few flats. They love picking them out. He finally got them last Sunday June 1st. I planted them yesterday. I love them all! Thanks kids and Denny!

End of school--Olivia got out the 16th, but Madison's last day was Tuesday 6/2. Too many snow days. And the great scrapper Mom I am, totally forgot to take a pic with her teachers. DOH! I never forget that. Too much going on I suppose.

End of dance and recital--recital was last weekend. The girls did SO GOOD! We got the dvd yesterday and wow, so wonderful. I can't believe this was Maddy's 4th year! Both girls are jazzing it next year. Maddy might take another class, we are still debating it.

Zoo trip--for Liv. We had an ok time. She wasn't thrilled with listening that day. Our lunch was fun. We had a picnic and were able to eat it with just the three of us (Ty, Liv and me) It was really chilly that day, and wet. So her teachers decided to skip the picnic lunch and we were on our own. I found it was more fun that way!

Tyler and my medicine--yes he did it again. May 20th, he decided to use a chair to get over the kitchen gate, climb upon the counter by using the chair the girls left in the kitchen, stand on his tippy toes to reach my medicine container clear up on the top, and happily chomp down 6 pills. OMG total freak out. Done in a matter of minutes. He looked at me and said "Mommy medicine GOOD!" and proceeded to stick out his white tongue. *reminder of my medicine--it's a very powerful cancer drug that does wonder for Crohn's patients* A call to poision control, trip to the ER, charcoal, blood draw, lots of stickers and toys, leaving after about 2hrs, and we were home. He did fine. No problems. We went back to the pedi last Friday for a check up and blood draw results. They said that if his liver was going to be damaged, it would of happened within the first 3-4 days. Whew. We now have a nice lock box for my meds.

Tyler and the potty--we haven't officially started "trying" yet, but we were taking a bath last Tuesday and he took his diaper off, climbed up on the pot and began peeing. The girls and I cheered him on, dancing and singing. He beemed with pride. Tuesday night, we were getting ready for bath (I swear my kids take more than one bath a week, really!) and he kept saying potty potty! So he once again climbed up and did it again! More singing and dancing and he was so happy! I am hoping to really start trying next week, when Liv is at Mom and Dad's and Maddy is at Girl Scout camp.

End of Girl Scouts--my first year as a leader has pretty much came to an end. Our last meeting was May 19th. I loved doing it, and can't wait to start regular meetings again in the fall. Now that Missy and I have a year under our belts, we can really do what WE want to do. I think this year will envolve a lot more field trips and service projects.

First ad change at work--oh wow, I was really nervous. But it went great! Melinda helped me at the Owen's north store. I was on my own for the rest. It was very easy. Easier than I thought it would be. I am so loving this job.

Attempted break in--I won't bore you with the details (this post is already getting loooong) but someone tried to break in to our house not once, but TWICE! Both times within and hour of each other. Long story short, we called the popo, but the criminal(s) took off over the fence. Hence us...

Getting a dog--I know I know, I said I would never have an animal in the house again. But oh, after the break in attempt, I was scared. A lady on the Recycle Huntington board posted she had a chocolate lab for sale. Full blooded, but no papers. 8mons old. Cheap. We went and saw her on May 18th and fell in love. We are now the official owners of Scooby Doo, an almost 9mon old HOUSEBROKEN choc lab. We {heart} her!

Soccer and softball games--Livy is playing soccer, Maddy is playing softball. Sometimes our Saturday mornings are screwy. Denny or I will take turns missing part of one girls game to take the other to her game. Fortunately, the rest of the games are at completely opposite times. Whew!

1 comment:

C. Beth said...

Hi, Lora, thanks for sharing your blog on BBC! :)


P.S. Diggin' the music.