Sunday, July 6, 2008

To the mutha fockers

Who called the cops on us last night, around 1:30am.

Are you freakin SERIOUS?????? We got the stupid dog because someone tried to break in. She only, and I mean O N L Y barks when people are walking by, or when another dog is around. She was barking when I went to bed, but that's only because your dog (if you are the ones who called, which I think you are) started it first!

You scared the shitballs right out of me, by making the cops call me at that frickin time. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest.

Let's just say it's on like Donkey Kong. Any little sound hear, any dog bark or loud music will result in a nice chat with the Hgtn popo. Let's see how you like it.


Ok, here is the story. I go to bed at 12:45am. Scooby is barking, so I go to the kitchen and yell at her out the window. I know she started barking, only because the mf'ers next door's dog, was out to pee. She quieted down, and I went to the bedroom. I hear the stupid mf'er dog next door begin barking. So what does Scooby do? Bark back! (I don't blame her!)

It stops after a couple of minutes, and I fall asleep. Mind you, Denny was out fishing. All the sudden I hear the phone ringing. I look at my clock, and see it say 1:30freakin something. My brain was not yet registering that the phone was actually ringing. I could of swore it was a dream.

I run into the living room and grab the phone and see "City of Hgtn" come up. Looking towards the window, I see a car parked outside and a flashlight beam going all over my flowerbed. The phone call goes something like this (to my best recollection)

Me: Hello?
HPD: Hi this is Angie with Hgtn PD, we have had a complaint that your dog is barking. Could you please go talk to the officer outside?
Me: Ummm ok.

(my heart is pounding so loud in my chest I could swear the lady on the phone and the officer outside could hear it!)

I walk out and talk to the officer. He is like, hey we got a complaint about your dog. He doesn't appear to be barking now, nor did he when I arrived, but we have to follow up on the complaint. I completely understand, apologize to the cop, explain why my heart is beating so loudly. He understands, apologizes for having to wake me up. He tells me to bring the dog inside, to calm him down. I explain that he is really a she, and that the neighbors dog was barking earlier. And that she only barks if people are out walking or if she sees another dog. I continue to tell him about how our stupid neighbors across the street always have a dog tied up out front and it barks consistently. He told me next time it happens, to give them a call. He apologizes again, and tells me good night.

Denny finally comes home around 3, and I tell him what happened. We have a pretty good idea who it was. And like I said above, it's on like Donkey Kong.

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