Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Well it's Tuesday

And I really don't have much to say. It's raining. And thundering a wee bit. Looks pretty orange over top Hgtn right now, on the doppler.

We got our "new to us" fridge hooked up. Finally. It's only been sitting in my dining room for almost 2 weeks now. Now I have our old one sitting in my kitchen. Makes it real easy to do things with it sitting right in the middle of everything!

I was reading Michele's new blog (check it out it's over <------------ there) and she was giving some backstory on herself. And I thought, hmmmm. Anyone that reads this, doesn't really know me, except maybe a few people. They only know what I have typed on here for about a year. So I decided I would start The Story of Me.
This will probably get long and windy, so go grab some popcorn, a nice cool drink and set back enjoy the show. Or ignore till I post something more witty!

The Story of Me Part 1
I was born in 1976 in Portland, Indiana. I was raised in a wee little town, Bryant, that is about 7miles north of Portland. It's so small, that if you blink, you miss it. But they do have one blinking light!
I remember growing up in such a small town. I would spend my summers outside, from sun up till sun down. Playing with Tara, Stephanie, Mandy if she was at her Grandparents and even some of the unruly neighborhood kids. I would ride my bike out Co Rd 30, and meet Steph halfway. We would then go to her house and play. Her parents and mine were (and still are) very close friends.
My best friend growing up was Maranda. We were friends from the start, far back as I can remember. Our parents are still friends, even go to the same church. And Mom and Sherry (Maranda's Mom) teach at the same school. I remember being in afternoon kindergarten. Maranda would come over in the mornings. We would eat Totino's pizza and french fries darn near every day for lunch. Then head of to kindy. We were best friends till some time in high school. (that will be explained later on)
I remember going to her house to spend the night. It was almost a daily occurance--her staying with us, or me staying with them. They had a neat house. 5 bedrooms! They had a huge pond too. We would always be swimming. Maranda had 2 younger siblings, Andrew and Libby. They were constantly with us, annoying the crap out of us! The thing I liked best about her house, was that they had a computer. It was so cool! I could play Oregon Trail anytime I wanted there! And they had this cool program were you could make banners! SWEET! (fyi: my parents didn't own a computer till I was off and married! so this was a pretty nifty thing)
We did everything together. Almost every Sunday after church, we would go to Southtown Mall in Fort Wayne. It was so much fun to walk around. We were only in like 2nd grade and our parents would let us walk off by ourselves. You could do that then. I barely let Madison out of my sight when we are at the mall nowadays! And she is almost 8!
Most of my childhood involved Maranda somehow. I would of never guessed we would stop speaking later in life. I assumed we would be BFF.
We took lots of vacations when I was younger. My grandparents lived in Tennessee on and off. So many trips were to there. One year we hit DollyWood. So much fun! My Aunt Diane lived in Maryland, and we took a few trips out there to see her and her family. We had relatives in Florida, some who worked at Disney. We took a trip when I was in 6th grade to Disney. I had to walk around with my brother (yuck) but I still had fun. It was so cold when we went--December. We bought sweatshirts when we got to the park. Big baggy clothes were SOOOOO in style then. The sweatshirt I got was a size XXL. Remember I was in 6th grade! (I was skinny then!) It was huge. Ok, huge isn't exactly the word. Enormous is more like it. I laugh when I see the pics. I will have to see if I can dig them out.
I remember elementary school being fun. I went to Bloomfield Elementary School. We didn't have a popular group or loser group. Everyone was friends with everyone. My teachers were Kindy= Mrs. Loy 1st=Mrs. Hunt 2nd=Mrs. Keller 3rd=Mrs. Meinerding 4th=Mrs.Horn 5th=Mrs. Loy (different one) 6th=Mr. Eads.
Kindy=Mrs. Loy was great. I was in afternoon kindy. I remember loving to paint. The playground was huge, but fun. I will never forget the reading corner. It was sunken area were we had story time. It was also the place to go when the tornado siren went off.

1st=I liked Mrs. Hunt too. I was in the top reading groups. I don't really remember much about 1st grade, except for the fact that I kissed Jeff Burk on the cheek!

2nd=Mrs. Keller--she was one of those teachers where she either liked you or didn't. I did get in trouble with her one time. I was only in 1st and Maranda and I decided it would be fun to get in the wrong line, at recess line up time. Mrs. K was not happy. We got a stern talking to. I was once again in the top reading group, along with Maranda and Chad Minch. I will never forget the time we were reading in our group, and Chad said he felt sick. Next thing we know, he puked all over the table! It was so gross! Why that moment has been etched in brain, I don't know.

3rd=Mrs. Meinerding Nothing really stands out about this year, except maybe that Mrs. M was a dingbat? lol I did have a boyfriend this year, Chad Minch. He gave me a ring and matching necklace set. I think I still have the ring. OH! We went to Happy's Place (or maybe in 2nd grade, I don't remember!) anyway HP was a cheesy show onWFFT 55 that was kid centered. You went to the studio, and were part of the audience. Check out wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happy%27s_Place\ Or this youtube link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_7p4CZ6ERY. When it was my turn to talk to Happy, he asked me if I had a boyfriend. To which I replied "YES!" Happy wanted his name and I said "Chad Minch". Needless to say Chad was not to happy I announced his name on tv. He didn't break up with me though! :)

4th=Mrs. Horn. The things I remember are 1)I loved Mrs. Horn 2) this was the year the Challenger exploded and 3) I had Jeff Burk as a boyfriend.

5th=Mrs. Loy. I didn't care for her. I did fine, but didn't like her.

6th=Mr. Eads. I liked him and was really glad I didn't get Mr. Keller, who picked his nose. For serious! I believe this is the year that Maranda, Jeremy Keller and I went to MediaFair. We did this crazy broadcast thing where my name was Heather Heatwave and I did the weather. My report included that Hawaii was getting snow, and Alaska was having a heatwave. We had sound effects and everything! We won first place at the school, and went on to the regional. We only lost 1st place there because we didn't have our list (an official list of everything we used and did) typed up. We hand wrote it. I have so got to dig up those pics. You will all laugh at my outfit. It is rockin I tell ya!

And that is where I will leave you for today. I am going to go search for some pics to accompany this story. So look out, there may be a new post later on!

1 comment:

Shel said...

OMG - I had totally forgotten about Happy!!! I was never on the show, but CHris was!