Monday, August 11, 2008

I saw this on a shirt tonight

They say I have ADD.
But they just don't understand.
Oh look! A chicken!

omg I cracked up! LOVE IT!

My Service Unit Manager for Girl Scouts was wearing it. Too flipping funny!


Do you ever have days where you just wish you could rewind your life? Flip back awhile and change things?
Because I sure do.
I have been struggling with some issues lately, that all seem to point back to one moment in my life. Had I decided differently, I think ( I use that word loosely, as do we really ever know?) things would be so much better.
It's really complicated to get into on this blog, so I won't bore you with details.
But the fact of the matter is, I wish I could rewind my life.
I certainly DO NOT regret my children.
By rewinding my life, and choosing 'A' instead of 'B', I highly doubt they would be here. So I kinda hate saying I wish I could rewind. But I do.
Geesh I am not making much sense here, am I?
Daily I struggle with the thoughts of picking 'A'.
I fight back the tears and try to think that what I did was right.
But I know I was wrong

1 comment:

Shel said...

((HUGS)) Love you girl!