Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Some nice weather! My computer says it is 82* right now. Wow. It is going to storm later tonight, yucky. I have every window open that will open. All ceiling fans are a running! Time for ice cream! LOL! Well that is what sounds good.

M lost another tooth. She lost it on Sunday. And the stupid Tooth Fairy forgot to pick it up! She apologized, leaving her a note last night saying how busy she was and that she ran out of time. M got $1 and a certificate saying she lost a tooth. Of course, M was pleased as punch. Not so pleased that she only got $1, as she was wanting $100 to buy a Nintendo DS. LOL We had to explain that teeth aren't worth $100. That went over well.

I have really been in the spring cleaning mode! My downstairs is done, now it is just time to finish up here. My scraproom is in need of some serious help. As is the toy room. It is so nice to finally have things where they belong. If something doesn't have a place, then out the door it goes. I have been freecycling like crazy. My town also has a yahoo group where you can sell items. It is really nice. This way stuff doesn't have to wait for the garage sale. That is IF I have a sale. Sometimes it is more trouble than it's worth.

I will upload pics later of O's latest creation. Her and M were outside playing in my flower garden and O thought it would be neat to decorate the house. Once I bring my camera up and download the pics, I will post what she did.

Only a true scrapbooker at heart would of stopped and took pics of what she did! LOL!

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