Friday, May 4, 2007

My Hero

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He is my love, my hero! LOL! We were out of oj this morning, and D forgot to stop last night. So I loaded up the kiddos and we went to the grocery. Got what we needed, loaded the kiddos back in the van....tried to start it....nothing. It acted like it wanted to turn over, but wouldn't. I tried every trick I knew, to no avail. Called D and told him. He figured it was the battery. He quickly came with a jump box. It wasn't the battery, and we got it started.

It is hard telling what is wrong with it. It is a 1998 with over 130,000 miles on it. But by golly, it still runs (for now, lol) so there is no reason to get something different. Not only that, it is completely paid for. Actually we even made money on it! But that is a story for another day.

Michele is having her National Scrapbook Day crop tonight. It is from 5p until 2a. I am really excited, because I am in a scrapping mood! We all get our own 8ft table PLUS an additional small table! It is going to be great! Plenty of room, all my friends, great snacks and scrapbooking---what more do we need?

I have a feeling I will be driving D's truck tonight. Just to make sure there won't be any problems. I would surely hate to have to call him at 2 in the morning.

I have all my challenges from the HOP NSM printed off to take with me. I haven't even started those yet, so I better get going!

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