Monday, June 25, 2007

Busy weekend!

I can't believe HOW busy we were. Or at least it seemed that way, lol!

Mom and Dad brought the girls back home early Saturday morning. They had been with them since Tuesday. Bible School was at their church and my parents always keep them the entire week. It's a nice break for me. Next year, Tyler will be old enough to go to!

The Heritage Days parade was at 10, and Madison was walking with the Girl Scouts. So the rest of us headed up to watch the parade. We got rained on. lots. Fortunately, we live close enough that Denny walked back home and got us some umbrellas. Madison was so proud to be walking! She did such a good job and I got some great pictures.

Devon's bday party was supposed to be from 5-7 at the Decatur Pool. Christa called about 2:30 and said the swimming part would be cancelled due to the rain and chilly conditions. We headed over that way about 4. It was nice to go over there, because I haven't talked to Michele in weeks! We spent the entire night chatting away. The kids had a blast, despite the fighting. There was a range of kids there from 2 weeks to 10yrs.

Sunday, the church had a Bible School program. So the kids and I made the hour drive there. Madison got up and sang and did her verses, but Olivia wouldn't. It was nice to go to church and see some people I haven't seen in a long time. Mom and Dad took us out for lunch at Ponderosa. omg it was fantastic! Our Ponderosa went out a few months back, so we never get to eat there, unless we are in Portland. We headed out to their house afterwards. The girls helped Dad pick up sticks and pull weeds. Mom wasn't feeling well, so her, I and Tyler stayed inside.

After reading that all, it doesn't sound like we were to busy. But it sure seemed like it.

Do any of you read Post Secret? It is one of my FAVE sites. I can't wait to get up here on Sundays and read all the new secrets. I seriously think they get enough secrets that they could post new ones every day. I would love that. I love to read all those!

1 comment:

Dalovely Damanda said...

Well, it sounds busy to me!!! Glad you had a good weekend though! :)

Oh, I just went and read that Post Secret...crazy cool (and a little creepy!) haha

Oh, and you've been tagged! :)