Thursday, November 8, 2007

Is it just me

Or does paying bills royally suck? I am sick and tired of it. I wish I could just stop. I don't mind the basics (house, electric, gas, water, phone, interent, etc). It's the crap ones I hate. Stupid drs offices, hospitals etc.

How in the world do they expect a family of 5 with not so fantastic income to pay off a $2K bill? It's not like we wanted Ty to have surgery and wanted the bill. He had too. He had to get the hernia fixed. And the crazy hospital expects us to be able to pay 4 monthly payments of over $500? Are you nuts? I know there are people out there who live a comfortable life. We, unfortunately, do not. We struggle day to day. In fact, it's getting so bad that we are almost having to choose groceries or electricity. how sad is that?

We are some of the poor folks who make to much $$$ to get help, yet can barely pay bills each month. If I worked, all my $$$ would go do daycare.

Sorry for the rant, I am just upset.

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