Friday, November 9, 2007


is really a nice place to shop. It's a sister store to Kroger. We have two here in town, one on the south side that is a smaller store and the one up north, which is gigantic compared to the other.

Ty and I went there today to get some oj. I love Kroger oj. Not only is it delicious, but it's cheaper than WM brand (shocker!) and we get more $$$ towards cheaper gas. We were waltzing around the store when I come upon an Owen's lady putting Halloween merchandise into carts. One thing she had was those silly bowls that have a hand in them. When someone reaches in the bowl for candy, the hand moves down and a voice says things like "that's my candy!" or "Happy Halloween!". I have wanted one of those bowls for a few years, but never wanted to pay full price. And normally I couldn't find them on sale after Halloween, as they were all bought up. The kids go nutzo over them too!

I asked the lady if I could have one to purchase. She tells me she already took the upc out of the system. I told her thanks anyways, we would just wait till next year and how my kiddos loved those bowls. She grabs one, takes a black marker and marks out the upc and hands it to me. I was like huh? I wasn't asking for a free one. I wanted to pay! (they were only $2, marked down from $8) She insisted I take one. She said they just box up all leftover holiday merchandise and donate it to charity. So just take it.

I did and my son was never happier. He laughed and giggled the whole way home. Olivia loved it too. I can't wait until Madison gets home to see it! lol

too funny how a silly little thing brings such joy to my monkeys' faces.

Back to the orginal thought of this post--Owen's is a nice place to shop. The store is always clean, the workers very friendly, samples galore throughout the store (love this!) prices not to bad and the fact that we get cheaper gas, just can't be beat!

The funny thing about this is, what in the world are charities going to do with 40+ Halloween bowls that have hands in them???????

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