Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Does life ever slow down?

It just seems to get busier and busier!

Mom and Dad came over on Friday to watch the monkeys, as Denny and I went to Ft Wayne to get his V done. I have to say, it was very interesting to watch! I think Denny was embarrassed as I got to watch two guys handle his manhood. He has recovered great. He is still a bit sore today, but his job doesn't allow for much down time. He is constantly bending, stretching, lifting, moving, etc. I honestly, and I know this sounds awful, but I have no sympathy for him! LOL! 27 months of pregnancy and 3 c-sections later, I just can't! LOL!
Mom came back over on Saturday to take the girls to the Festival of Gingerbread Houses. We actually went to the VFW first, as Denny's co-worker Jim was playing Santa. The kids enjoyed it, they even sat on his lap! Well, except for Tyler. Still a little young to understand. They got really neat goody bags and even lunch! Then Mom, me and the kids headed to the Festival. It was really neat! Some of those houses were simply amazing! I just couldn't believe it! They had an hourly drawing for the kids. Tyler won a stuffed lion! Mom bought us gingerbread cookies as a snack for the way home.
When we got back, the kids got to make their own houses! Mom boughts kits last year after Christmas. We went to Aldi's and got a bunch more "supplies". We had M&M's, vanilla wafers, Twizzlers, gummi bears, sugar wafers, shredded wheat, pretzels, marshmallow, kissables, and so much more! The houses are so neat! They are in my cabinet with glass doors. One so they are on display and two, so Tyler doesn't pick off the candies and eat them!

I am finding it so hard to get my Christmas shopping done! It seems I have Olivia with me every time I find something. And she goes, what's that for Mom? Very hard to shop with Eagle eyes.

Denny's birthday is Friday. My old man will be 32. Geesh! Seems just yesterday he was only 19 (when we met). yikes aren't we old???????????? I wanted to do something for his bday, but he just keeps saying it's just another day. men, go figure.

1 comment:

Latharia said...

What wonderful holiday plans you've got! :D