Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I have an interview!

and omg I am freaking just a bit.

I haven't went on an interview since Aug 1999. eeks!

I applied with Smart Source, the coupon place, over 4mons ago. I applied to be one of those people who puts those red coupon-spitter-out-things in grocery stores. The job also requires to help said stores with their sale signage. And lots more I am sure.

Anyway, the lady emailed me a few weeks ago, telling me a spot has opened up in my area! I have to meet her today at a local store. It's scary yet exciting at the same time. We could really use the extra cash, and I could use the getaway time. I heard that this job could be done at your convenience. So I am hoping it's true. Once Denny gets home from work in the evenings, I could head out.

I will definately post later on as to what goes down. I so hope I get it. I don't have a clue if I am the only person interviewing or not.

It's more nerve-wracking to decide what to wear. My wardrobe consists of old old tee shirts, jeans and comfy pants. I think I *might* have a nice pair of khakis and nice shirt, but it will take some digging. I do have a really really dressy outfit of Christa's, but it's waaaaaaaay to dressy for this.

I am freaked.

1 comment:

scrapperjen said...

Good luck - it will go just fine! How exciting!