Saturday, March 8, 2008


And I get to scrap tonight! YEAH! Mom and Dad have the girls till tomorrow afternoon, which provided me with an opportune time to really clean the house. I have really been doing good on cleaning. I had it wonderfully clean for my pampered chef party on 2-16 and have been keeping it picked up.

But the last few days, I have felt like doing nothing. So nothing got done. Since the girls were gone, I decided to kick my butt in gear and DO IT!

I even swept. Started to mop, but got distracted and haven't went back. Anyway, it's all picked up, swept and looks nice. Denny got home awhile ago and didn't say a word. hmph. men.

I love coming home to a clean house.

I sure hope Ty decides to sleep tonight. Last time I went scrapping, he woke up at 2 am and refused to go back to sleep. Denny called me and fortunately I was on my way home. I am *praying* he goes down with no troubles and I can stay as long as I want.

Ty is such a Momma's boy. He HATES when I leave without him. HATES when I go anywhere (and I do mean anywhere) without him. That boy can't stand it if I run back to do laundry without him! Let's hope he grows out of this come pre-school time. Actually I hope it goes away sooner.

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